
Energy Efficiency Program for Single Family and 2-4 Unit Homeowners Special Program for Bungalow Owners

Energy Impact Illinois is an alliance of nonprofit organizations as well as in Chicago with the utility companies, Commonwealth Edison and Peoples Energy. The nonprofit partners include the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the Center for Neighborhood Technology-Energy. The project is funded through a grant from the US Department of Energy as part of the Obama Administration’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act economic stimulus program.

 If you want to lower your utility bills and have a more comfortable home, but can’t afford the upfront cost, Energy Impact Illinois can help. For a limited time you can receive 70% off energy efficiency improvements, with up to $1750 in total rebates on air sealing and insulation installations on your home. Your home will stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and you’ll reduce your energy use by at least 15%.

  The program offers energy audits for home owners for the low cost of $99; energy audits typically cost between $400 and $800 depending upon the dwelling. The audits and the air sealing and insulation work are conducted by insulation professionals under the oversight of the Center for Neighborhood Technology-Energy. Homeowners that host an Energy Impact House Party receive the energy audit for free in exchange for host 5-10 homeowners that will participate in an information session with Energy Impact Illinois field organizers and insulation professionals that includes a demonstration of the energy audit conducted on the host home.

 Energy Impact Illinois is also providing access to low-interest loans through partnerships with the South Side Community Federal Credit Union and Green Choice Bank which can be used for boilers and furnaces, or whole-home efficiency improvements – including 0% interest for the first year for loans over the minimum amount stated for partner lending institutions. Energy Impact Illinois also provides a comprehensive list of all possible rebates and incentives for energy efficiency improvements, including rebates from all northern Illinois utilities, tax incentives, and promotional offers.

For owners of historic Chicago bungalows Energy Impact Illinois offers a joint program with the Historic Chicago Bungalow Association that includes the rebate of $1,750 and with the HCBA paying for the energy audit and the balance between the rebate and air sealing and insulation work up to $4,000. To qualify for the joint program homeowners must have household income less than 120% of the area median income and proof of income documents for household members over the age of 19.

 For more information about the program or to sign up for either the energy audit or an Energy Impact Party or the joint program for bungalow owners contact the Regional Lead Field Organizer for the south side Orrin Williams at or phone (773) 597-8155.


