Auburn Gresham Hosts LEGAL CLINIC for Seniors
Linda Johnson
Published: September 18, 2019

There's nothing as satisfying as helping people except seeing a room filled with people wanting to help themselves. The Center for Disability and Elder Law Legal Services and the City of Chicago's Department of Housing, partnered with communication agencies, offered a FREE LEGAL CLINIC to over 80 people in the Auburn Gresham community. A myriad of information on estate planning, powers of attorney, simple wills, living will declarations, property taxes and title issues were shared with the eager crowd.
Ms. Patricia Foster attended Monday's jam-packed meeting acquiring much-need information. "This meeting was very informative and gave me all the information that I needed to make sure my assets are taken care of. I will attend the follow-up meeting in October.
Please keep me on your list to call for all your upcoming workshops," said Ms. Foster. Linda Johnson, Director of Housing and Senior Services made sure that her staff, Ms. Olivia and Ms. Anita, notified as many people as possible. "I realize that many of the vacancies in Black and Brown communities are a result of people not having their end-of-life affairs in order. This can be avoided and we can keep our communities flourishing by just making sure that we follow the simple steps provided in this workshop."