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Utilizing Search Engines Like Google and Bing

Consumers, every day, use search engines like Google and Bing to find the service provider or retail outlet they need. The user of the search engine is more likely to click on a website that appears higher up on the first page of results.  For this reason it is beneficial for a business owner's website to be listed higher in the search results. Improving your website's rank to get on that first page of results is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. There are many complicated and multi-step processes that one can take to insure SEO, however there are also several simple steps that anyone with access to a website editor can do. In this article from Search Engine Land, author Wesley Young provides small business owners with 6 tips for SEO success. 

Because of the technical knowledge needed for search engine optimization, this article is reccomended for those who are comfortable with basic web design. However, if you do not yet have a website or are unable to edit your current website, call the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation’s Neighborhood Business Development Center at (773)651-5915 for free web design assistance. 

Click Here to access the article through Search Engine Land