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January 2016

7 YOUR VOICE MATTERS JANUARY 2016 TASK FORCE "Jobs and Economic Development" Meeting

5–7:30 pm - 7901 S. Racine, Chicago, IL 60620

7–25 Your Voice Matters 2016 Community Taskforce Meeting Schedule


13 YOUR VOICE MATTERS JANUARY 2016 TASK FORCE "Business Development" Meeting

5:30 pm - Urban Partnership Bank, 2nd Floor, 7801 S. State Street, Chicago, IL 60620

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News items

YOUR VOICE MATTERS DECEMBER TASK FORCE "Education and Youth Development" Meeting

The January meeting is going to be very critical for our educaiton taskforce. As the information unfolds solidfiying the date, time and location, it will be critical to ensure the meeting is filled to capacity, to address this important phase of the plan. Our youth's future education successful outcomes, are dependent on the strategies and goals that we collectively put in place, to drive needed improvements, in the schools and parent engagement activities across our neighborhoods.

66 Year Old Routing A Fresh Foods Plan for Local Seniors!

The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) currently has two seniors from the Easter Seals Community Service  program placed in meaningful jobs, at our 7901 S. Racine location. This week we are highlighting the front desk coordinator,  Mr. Dishman. Yes, he is 66 and he is a very active community memeber, of the Your Voice Matters campaign, formed to work on developing the next quality-of-life plan for our community.

Tell Us: What's Great, What's Needed in Auburn Gresham

Tell us what are the most important assets in Auburn Gresham. There's a new ten-minute, citywide survey that's letting Chicagoans give information about the neighborhoods where they live and work. We want to be heard. Take the a few minutes to take the survey. We thank you in advannce!