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News items related to property

NHS's Housing University (Housing U)

No matter where you are on your homeownership journey, Housing U has something for you! Our webinar series is designed with you and your family in mind. Housing U is the perfect option to help you unlock the mystery of the home buying process and navigate the road to sustaining your home while maintaining and growing your finances with confidence.

Calling all Owner-Occupant Landlords!

Join a research study about what it's like to be a landlord and receive a $45 cash stipend as a thank you.

Thousands of languishing vacant and abandoned properties with unpaid taxes harm Black neighborhoods and suburbs. Cook County treasurer says program aimed at fixing the problem is not working.

Disinvestment in African American communities in the city dates back to at least the 1968 riots after the Rev. Martin Luther King’s assassination. Swaths of Black neighborhoods went up in smoke, and vacant lots and scarred buildings still remain. Even before then, the racist real estate practices of redlining and blockbusting took a toll.