
Warp Speed in 20 Years?

Scientists say that warp speed will be accomplished in up to 20 years. But what will these complications consist of, and what exactly is “warp speed”?

If you are a Star Trek fan, you know Captain Kirk uses warp speed at end of every mission. Warp speed is the idea that you can create a space bubble and the anti-matter in space can create a speed turbine and you can travel through space at the speed of light, while the bubble protects you from the released anti-matter, no matter the speed, the bubble does not break. Astronomers, and scientists that work with NASA have researched for years, on how to create warp speed, but the only clears are subtling obviousness. This ‘warp speed’, breaks all rules of relativity, and the speed of light.


The Alcubierre metric is a real solution to Einstein’s equations, which describe the ways in which space is allowed to bend or warp. There is only one problem. The solution is negative mass. Know where I can get some? Didn’t think so. Other than anti-matter, negative mass, is gravity’s dump in the universe. It’s not needed and lingers in secret and unknown areas in space. Negative mass is also very creepy. For example, imagine you had a chunk of normal mass and a chunk of negative mass in space. The negative mass would fall towards the regular mass, but at the same time create “repulsive gravity” which would then push the normal mass away. The smell is also repulsive, and could break the conservation of the world’s energy. In other words, the lab room would no longer exist if negative mass touched gravity. So lets hope your packing some serious suntan lotion that can protect up to 5,000 degrees of ultraviolet rays.

Back then, Einstein figured that the mass and energy of spactime relate to each other narcissistically.In other words if we were inside of a bubble, we would create gravity. But for this to happen you would have to balance these by trial and effect, and thats pretty dangerous, even for plexi-glass windows. Warp drive researchers use electrons and burn them into micro-radiations, to push them into the drive. Each electron is traveling 20,000 miles per second. But this is far away from creating a ship that can fly to that type of speed. The effects of the ship would be devastating. Crushed and smashed, but it could break through the light barrier.

Note: Justice Diamond, 2013 Smart Chicago Summer Intern with GADC
