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Digital Learning Day 2020


Mark your calendar!

The ninth annual Digital Learning Day (DLDay) will take place on Thursday, February 27, 2020!

It’s never too early to start planning, so mark your calendar and join us for this annual celebration of great teaching paired with technology.

Help spread the word!

Share the news using DLDay graphics and sample social media posts available at

 Click to Tweet: Mark your calendars! The next Digital Learning Day is February 27, 2020! Learn more at #DLDay @OfficialDLDay

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Helpful Resources

Why Are Students Only Paying Attention to Each Other in Class?

Are your students talkative in class? Are they paying attention to their friends and not engaging in the lesson? Check out this infographic to understand the science behind why adolescents act the way that they do and how you as an adult can provide them with the proper support for learning and growth.

    Download the Infographic     

Want to learn more about the science behind how students learn and develop and how it can affect the classroom? Visit

The Unmet Promise of Brown vs. Board of Education

To focus on meeting the needs of our most underserved students and honoring the intent of Brown vs. Board of Education, the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed) launched a yearlong equity campaign, #OurChallengeOurHope.

In June, the campaign focuses on the difficult path to high school graduation facing so many of our nation’s young people and how, with the right supports, every student can walk across the stage on graduation day.

Click the link below to read some amazing high school graduation success stories. Use these stories and other resources to engage a conversation in your school, home, or community about the challenges facing high school students today. And if you have a graduation success story of your own, please share it with us!

    Learn More    

Webinar on Closing the Digital Gap, Plus Key Strategies for the K-12 Classroom


Although incredible progress has been made, equity issues remain prevalent in schools and districts across the country. Historically underserved students often lack the needed access and opportunity that’s often afforded to their more affluent counterparts. This video examines practical steps educators can take to help close digital equity gaps in both access and opportunity, in homes and classrooms.

    Watch Now    
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Keywords: Digital Leaning Day, Digital learning

Posted in Community Events, FREE After School Programs