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Domestic Violence Café

July 25, 2013 – The Domestic Violence Café was held at Revere Care on Monday as a part of one of the several workshops for the Parent Program segment of the Community Violence Prevention Program (CVPP). The lead presenter, Angela Lange, begins the café in song, singing "I Need You to Love Me" by BarlowGirl, a popular 2006 rock song. Afterwards, Lange shared some very personal and heartfelt information about her own twenty year of abuse, commenting that she does so in order that they - the attendees - will be able to see abuse coming from miles and miles away.

Lead presenter, Angela Lange, begins the Domestic Violence Café.

A secondary presenter proceeded to read "Breathing Under Water", a poem that the presenter used as a metaphor for domestic violence, and in an even greater sense adaptation. Afterwards, the parents separated into groups and went on to create their own "bio poems", which were later shared with the group in its entirety.


Keywords: community, CVPP, domestic violence, parent café

Posted in Community Highlights