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To Strike! or Not To Strike!?!

To Strike or Not To Strike is the question. Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of leviathan, or to take Arms against a Sea of educational troubles. These are the questions one must ask themselves, in order to understand in totality the broad contractual fight for a middle ground, within the Chicago Teachers Union, and what affect both positive and negative it will have on the future of education in the U.S.  Third largest Public School System. 

During the Chicago Teachers Union strike with the CPS (Chicago Public School) board,

Lamarr Brown, 7th Grader Oglesby Elementary

the Auburn Gresham Development Corp, had an opportunity to speak and work with a young man named Lamarrr Brown, who is a 7th grader at Oglesby Elementary School. An astute young man with a knack for business and entrepreneurship and who frequently visits the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation office, in which he says he finds peace, solace, and a place to meet different people. Lamarr has been able to emerge himself into the community by doing outreach with Community/Tech-Organizer Jimmy Prude, and Executive Director Carlos Nelson.  

Lamarr is also a-part of the Community Antiviolence & Restoration Effort (CARE), an initiative out of the office of the Mayor, which will offer youth an opportunity to be business vendors at select locations around the city. Lamarr will take the next steps to understand how a business works, customer service, and money management. He will be operating a portable pop corn machine, and selling soda, water, and potato chips at the 6th district town hall meeting, which is open to the public, on October 4th 2012, at Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church, 7745 S. Vincennes, Chicago IL 60620, from 6:00pm-8:30pm.

His first hand experience will hold true practical value as he progresses in his education. When asked what his favorite subject is in school, he says Social Studies. Although he does not mention why on the video below, off camera he says it’s because he loves history, and he likes how he is able to recall information. He hopes to one day be a lawyer.

Posted in Community Highlights, Digital Media and Technology Resources, Education Initiatives, Workforce and Career Development

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