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GREAT Day Principals/Assistants, Teachers, Staff, and Community Stakeholders!

May this email find you well.

My name is Coretta J. Pruitt "CJ" and it was a pleasure working with many of you over the Summer at the Auburn-Gresham Gold Back-to-School Extravaganza at Scott Joplin Elementary School. 

Some of you may know me from the Chicago Cares ServAthon, held in June 2017, at Oglesby (my alma mater thru 6th grade), as I assisted in cleaning the school grounds, painting the "welcome" letters, and serving the Potbelly sandwiches. 

Some of you know me from CAPS Beat Meetings, R.A.G.E., Englewood Quality of Life Public Safety Task Force Champion, Steering Leadership Committee for the NEW south side high school in Englewood or my participation as a Block Ambassador with BBB of Auburn Gresham.  

Yet, some of you may have seen me at Alderman Moore's 'Dancing on the 9' at Renaissance Park in August 2017.  Or, perhaps some of you may have seen me at the Neighborhood Housing Services Table in September 2017 during the 79th Street Renaissance Festival on Saturday; and on Sunday I was HOUSIN' IT UP ??!

Let me redirect myself as to the nature of this email.  First, let me reintroduce myself to you once more as I am a Parent Educator with the Parenting Fundamentals Program at Metropolitan Family Services (MFS).  I also wear that hat of being a CPS Parent for over 20 years.

The reason I am emailing you, Principals/Assistants, Teachers, Staff and Community Stakeholders, is to share with you about our Parent Enrichment programming which will be held beginning NEXT WEDNESDAY (4/11/18) at the PARENT UNIVERSITY of AG Room 217 at Scott Joplin

Please share the attached flyer within your network of parents, caregivers, foster parents, or other relatives that have children between the ages of 12 (must be turning 13 this year) to 18.

Click the picture or this link to download the flyer!
Should you have additional questions or need to speak with me directly, please contact me at:  224-531-7966. 

Keywords: Auburn Gresham Gold, Chicago Public Schools, Metropolitan Family Services, Network 11, parenting, Scott Joplin Elementary School

Posted in CAN TV, Community Highlights, Education Initiatives